Same rules as contests #1-#7….photos required of all clue positions and posted on You and any operatives are responsible for your own safety and well being.WHERE WILL YOU BE? CONTEST #8
1(a) Determine the UTM of the war memorial on the top of Mount Prevost on Vancouver Island. ______
1(b) Next, go to Austin R. Ordano’s grave at St. Peters church in Duncan, B.C. What is the UTM? ______
From 1a, proceed on a round world compass bearing of 145deg. 30min. 51.6787sec. True. From 1b, proceed on a round world compass bearing of 145deg. 50min. 05.8944sec. True. Where these two lines meet, you’ll find a GPS tag glued to rock. What is the tag #? ______
2. You now have a tag number, and have determined a position where the tag is in Ques. #1.
2(a) What is the UTM? ______ Now go to Fields, Oregon (you can overnight here, and have a meal). Determine the UTM of the 2 gas pumps here (they’re within a few feet of each other).
2(b) What is the UTM? ______ You now have 2 positions a) and b) for question #2.
From 2(a), follow a round world course of 328deg. 56min. 15.6969sec.
From 2(b) follow a round world course of 333deg. 31min. 39.1074sec. Where these two courses join, you’ll be at a grave. The deceased was born in 1880. What is the deceased’s name? ______ What is the UTM of the grave? ______
3. You now have the UTM of the grave in #2 above. Now go to 12S 531231 East and 4211113 North. Here you will find a large abandoned machine. Go inside the machine. Look for a serial number on it that ends with a ‘3’. What is the serial number? ______
Now you have 2 UTM’s (the UTM of the grave in #2, and the ‘machine’ as stated above). Follow a True compass bearing from the grave in ‘2’ above of 133deg. 41min. 31.6388sec., and follow a compass bearing of 327deg. 59min. 13.2633sec. from the ‘machine’. You should now be in a rather remote area. Look for a GPS tag glued to rock. What is the tag #? ______