The Team continues this series….same rules apply as in previous #1-#6 contests, i.e. photos required of all clue positions, and to be posted on You are responsible for your own safety and well being, as are your operatives.
You are to get to a point on a circle. You’ll most likely need ‘operatives’ for this part of the contest.
We will give you enough information for you to be able to determine three points along this circle. We will not tell you where the center of the circle is, or its diameter or radius. We will tell you that the three points that you’ll determine on this circle are 45 deg. apart when measured from the center of this circle. If you draw a straight line between any two of these three positions (that you’re about to determine), you’ll find this line measures 67.2513 meters.
For you to figure out the positions of the three points on this circle:
a) Start at 12S 587251 E and 4266203 N (in WGS84). Look for a GPS tag above a seven foot door, glued to framework of an abandoned workshed. What is the tag #? ______ From this position, go 530 km, plus the # on the tag in kilometers, plus add on .552350 km. This will get you to one of the positions in the circle. The compass bearing you must follow is 321deg. 03min. 43.9499sec. True.
b) To get to the other position, go to 9U 711176 E and 5531675 N. There you will find a wooden stake. Total the two tag #’s on the stake. What is this #? ______. Subtract 1785 from this number (presume # is kilometers), then add to this number .164906 kilometers. Use a compass course of 115deg. 58min. 11.3757sec. This will get you to the second position on this circle.
c) You’ll need a third position along this circle to ‘stabilize’ the circle, so there can only be one outcome. So, to get the 3rd position, do this:
Go to 11S 683752 E and 4346151 N. Look in a Westerly direction. There you will see a sign on a structure with 7 large red letters (for a reference, you’ll also see 6 green letters under the red letters) There’s an apostrophe between the 6th and 7th red letters. Ignore it. Using the formula, A=1, B=2, C=3, D=4, E=5, etc. produce a number that gives a numerical number of what the 7 red letters ‘say’. ________ This should be a 12 digit number. Divide this number by 91411318. What is this number? ______ Express it in ‘meters’. You will now have a 4 digit number and decimal points after the number. Ignore the decimal points. To get to the third point on this circle from 11S 683752 E and 4346151 N, follow a compass course of 329deg. 23min. 18.7766sec. for a distance of 7823 kilometers, less 6480 kilometers, plus .614895 kilometers added to your answer. This will get you to the 3rd position on the circle.
You now have three positions along this circle. We have given you the straight line distance between any two points around the circle that are 45 deg. apart when measured from the center of the circle. You should be able to figure out the arc from this information.
Now walk around this circle until you find a buried mini-moonbomb. What are the two tag numbers on this mini-moonbomb? _______&______
Note: You must answer all the questions asked. Please take photos of all positions and place on vigps. Also notify of your finds plus all tag numbers.