Where will you be? Contest #5

Same rules, etc. apply as in contests #1-#4. Photos required at all clue locations. You/operatives responsible for your own safety and well being.

NOTICE: Re the “WHERE WILL YOU BE?” contests! In early December (2004), The Team will begin it’s Canadian Series of adventures! (This will surely prove to be a religious experience…?!) Find your ‘operatives’ in Alberta, Saskatchewan, and South Western Manitoba, while there’s still time!

The Team, freshly inspired by the exciting news of a forthcoming ‘Team Phoenix CD’ (reportedly to be that team’s favorite Rap/Hip Hop tunes?) have decided to release Contest #5 in the ongoing “WHERE WILL YOU BE” series….

Here it is!

1) Go to 10U 370251 E / 5473967 N Sight at 340 deg. to a white building at the base of a microwave tower. How far is it to this building? ______ (The building is 663 meters lower than where you sight from; this translates into a 7deg. downward slope angle).

2) Here’s a tough one….On a road to Heppner, Oregon, determine the exact UTM of a woman with an initial “E”. Her husband’s initials are “F.A.” Take your UTM reading immediately above her headstone. Now go to a cemetery near Gerlach, Nevada. Visit this cemetery and seek out the name with initials “S.A.” (RD 3 is associated with this name). Determine the UTM of this headstone. How many meters is it between these two headstones? _____

3) There’s a sign in Nevada, the top line of this sign reads “Garrison-Black” – the second line has the words “Rock Road 13” on it. We’ve placed a blank orange tag on the back of this sign as a reference. Determine the UTM of this sign.

In Moab, Utah, there’s a famous Jeep trail called “Steelbender”. Go to it’s Northern end. There you will find a steel sign, (with another yellow sign below it). Determine the UTM of this sign.

What is the distance in meters between these two positions? ________

4) There’s a buried bottle with a note in it at 12S 629548 East and 4248350 North. On the note is written a number. What is that number? ______

5) We’ve buried a steel bar at 12S 552299 East and 4216807 North.

a) What is the number on this bar? ______

b) Go to 10U 339407 East/5550336 North. There’s a GPS tag there; what is the number? ______

c) From this position, sight at 368 degrees. How far is it to the chimney of a house with a green roof? ______

Now, total all these numbers, and call them meters. DIVIDE this number by 4.63. ADD this number to(Zone 12S) 288338, and you’ll get a correct Easting. ADD this number to (Zone 12S) 4046700, and you’ll get a correct Northing.

You’ll now be at a very old sign. Put a photo of the sign on vigps.com, and notify The Team what this old sign says.

Again, $500.00 for the first individual/team to win.

Contest ends May 31st, 2005 at 6:00 PM, PDT

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