Where will you be? Contest #4

Same rules, conditions and prize money as WHERE WILL YOU BE? Contest #1….you are responsible for your safety and well being while performing these contests. Photos required for all clue locations and posted on vigps.com.

Here are the questions for WHERE WILL YOU BE? CONTEST #4…..

1) Go to 10U 443671 E and 5408963 N. How far is it to the centre of a concrete tower at 118deg. but below you by 642 meters? (4 deg. down). ______

2) Go to the McGee Creek railway trestle on the abandoned Canadian National line. There’s a GPS tag nailed under the trestle. What is the tag number? ______

3) Go to 10U 475174 East and 5412738 North. Nailed to the branch of an old tree is a GPS tag. What is the tag #? ______

4) You’ll enjoy going to 10U 429061 E and 5365197 North. There, five feet up a burned stump, you’ll find a GPS tag. What is the tag #? ______

5) Go to 12S 615574 East and 4246754 North. There you’ll find a GPS tag on a large rock. What is the tag #? ______

Now total up all the five numbers above. Multiply this number by 4.764. Call this number meters. Now add the number you determined to 562773, this will give you an Easting (Zone 12S).

Now add the number you determined to 4181486. This will give you a Northing (Zone 12S).

If you get all this figured out, you’ll be sitting on a tall rock which has a blank orange GPS tag glued to it. (It’s a high point) From this blank tag, follow a True compass bearing of 117deg. 16min. 32.8913sec., for a distance of less than 1 kilometer. Along this bearing, you’ll come to a dead 4ft. high tree with a blank orange GPS tag on it. There should be orange flagging tape on this tree. By the tree there’s a buried steel bar. What is the number on the buried steel bar? ______

Take a photo of this tree, and steel bar and put on vigps.com. Notify The Team the steel bar #, on, or before May 31st, 2005 at 6:00PM, PDT.

The winning team/individual will win $500.00Cdn.

Good Luck from The Team

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