Where will you be? Contest #3

Same rules and regulations apply re WHERE WILL YOU BE? Contest #1 &  #2….Photos required at all clue locations, and posted on vigps.com.   You/operatives are responsible for your own safety and well being.

WHERE WILL YOU BE? CONTEST #3  as follows:

1)  Go to 49deg. 21.020min.   124deg. 48.418min.  There you will find a  number painted on a rock.  From this number, sight at 92deg. (always WGS84 &  19deg. E declination, unless stated otherwise) to an island.  What is the  distance to the island?  ______

2)  Go to 10U 395168 E/5378988 N.  How many meters is it to a chimney on a  white house with a green roof at 77deg.?  ______

3)  Go to Giles, Utah.  Near the highway, you’ll find an old stone building.  Stand beside the chimney.  a)  What are the last four digits in the Easting?  ______  b) What are the last four digits in the Northing? ______

4)  Go to 10U 343165 E/5410312 N.  Sight at 340deg. to a yellow house. Sight  between the two top windows.  How far are they from the sighting position?   ______

5)  Go to 10U 362647 E/5476225 N.  There you’ll find a stake with two tag  numbers on it.  What are the total of the two tag numbers?  ______

Now total the six numerical answers to the questions above.  Presume your  answer is in meters.  What is the total?

If you add this total to 483982 you will get a correct Easting. (Zone  12S)

If you add this number to 4269246, you will get a correct Northing. (Zone  12S)

You will now be at an obvious man made object.  It will have a door on it.   Glued on a 2×4 above this door, is a GPS tag.  What is the tag #?  ______

Take a photo of this man made object, plus a photo of the tag – put on  vigps.com.  Send The Team this tag #.

This contests ends May 31st, 2005 at 6:00PM, PDT.

Payout of $500.00 will apply only to the winner, (either individual or team),  of this contest.


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