This is a very x-citing contest…..
This contest begins October 1st, 2005.
It is available on VIGPS.COM (Vancouver Island GPS), located in Victoria, on Vancouver Island in the Province of British Columbia, Canada.
THE GLOBETROTTER CONTEST is open to all members worldwide.
If there are any changes or clarifying information re this contest, The Team will advise on home page.
This contest will terminate on, or before, December 31, 2005 at 6:00 PM.
The Team will pay $50.00 US per day until this contest is won by a valid declared winner. (I.E. if a team/individual completes this contest, for example, on October 30th, 2005, they will win $1500.00 US – if a team/individual completes this contest on December 31st, 2005, they will receive $4600.00 US funds.)
If there is no winner by the closing date and time, the contest will officially end without a declared winner, and no payout.
Contestants MUST COMPLETE ALL QUESTIONS in order to qualify – no exceptions. The first individual/team to submit all the correct answers will be declared the winner, so this is a race to the finish – you’d better hustle, you wouldn’t want another team/individual to beat you by just a day or so! After you have completed all questions/answers, please post on and email
You will be given 8 cache locations around the world. You must choose any 6 of these cache locations (your choice as to which ones).
The Waypoints of these 8 caches are as follows:
1) GC2D20
2) GCHF14
5) GC2423
6) GCB357
You are to get to a final cache location that is:
1) 17577.533139 km from GC2D20
2) 18846.417516 km from GCHF14
3) 9730.670349 km from GCPHHN
4) 7224.944483 km from GCHV9W
5) 17498.986008 km from GC2423
6) 13210.820155 km from GCB357
7) 15570.734035 km from GCJQGW
8) 15832.160327 km from GCKKV3
You can go to 6 of the 8 locations yourself, plus the final location, OR, you can use operatives. BUT the ‘operative’ MUST BE ANOTHER CACHER OTHER THAN THE CACHER OR CACHERS TEAM OR FAMILY MEMBER WHO ACTUALLY PLACED THE CACHE. Also, that cacher or operative must have been a member of BEFORE October 1st, 2005.
If more than one individual or team attempts this contest, they must NOT WORK WITH ANOTHER TEAM THAT THEY KNOW, OR ARE ASSOCIATED WITH, IN THEIR HOME TERRITORY.
You must submit the team names of your ‘operative’ (i.e. the cacher you will use as an operative in a distant location), AND state that cacher or cachers team name on VIGPS.COM. Once you have done this, this ‘distant’ cacher cannot be used by any other contestants.
You must give reports on VIGPS.COM of your progress with each ‘move’ you make so others following this contest can see the progress of the various teams participating in this contest.
Pictures will be required at all 6 starting locations you choose, including:
A) A photo of the cache of you or your operative showing a piece of paper with the current date on it, and their team or User name.
B) A photo of your, or your operatives GPS at the site, showing the PDOP and estimated accuracy on it’s position (Lat/Long) page. This position must be in WGS 84 map datum.
C) 4 photos of the surrounding countryside around the cache, and more photos if so desired.
D) Photos of the FINAL location, with the same requirements as above.
That team/individual will be the first to complete all the requirements accurately.
You must make your own financial arrangements with various operatives, and you are responsible for your own safety and well being.
Teams/individuals attempting this contest should set up their own forum page on VIGPS.COM to log their progress. If your operatives have any queries, they must email you directly; if you, in turn, need a clarification, you may email
In the event a cache is missing, you or your operative must show your GPS in the ‘active’ mode at the location of the cache, showing the GPS unit receiving satellites, and showing PDOP and accuracy figures. ‘Stored’ or ‘fake’ waypoints will not be accepted. Photoshop or faked photographs will lead to disqualification.
The Team will want to see full disclosure of information – we want the site to
capture ‘the excitement’ for all readers.
Post pictures of remote locations as you get them.
The Team will be monitoring this contest and for compliance.
Good luck to all.
X-Treme GPS Team
The Team