New contest by The Team

Here’s our latest release – “Bonus Contest #1”
(By The Team)
November 24th, 2004

While we are awaiting arrival of a much needed piece of equipment, we give you a ‘bonus’ contest. This contest must be won by a British Columbia individual or team. You may however, use American operatives if you so desire – your choice. You will be responsible for any financial arrangements with your U.S. counterparts. There will only be one winner, be it team or individual.

Here’s the drill!

A) (Reference #453051 and 453052)(all in WGS 84). These reference numbers are page numbers in a buried container at 12S 511072/4229223, hidden by a large rock. Follow the instructions in this two page note.

You will specifically need two numbers:

1) A GPS number ____________

2) The date ____________ (year only required)

The note in the container will explain all of this.

B) (Reference # 453054 and 453055) (WGS 84)

Look for a canister at 12S 623840/4295658. It is hidden (buried in sand with a small rock on top of it) under the left rear wheelwell of an old 1930’s bus! Your required information is in this canister.

You will be required to:

1) Determine a distance ____________

2) Take many photos

Now total the three numbers required (call them meters) ____________

Add this number to 31617 ____________ (call it meters)

Canadians will require this total information to get to an exact intersection of two streets. To avoid “guessing”, your U.S. counterparts must come up with the correct information, which The Team will also require.

Here’s the question for the Canadian teams:

Starting at 10U 488366.292 East and 5404151.945 North, what are the names of the two streets which intersect when you use as a distance measurement (round world), the total numbers required from your American counterparts, when you travel on a compass course of 269deg. 23mins. 19.0171secs. true?

This contest ends January 15th, 2007 at 6:00PM, PST.

The winner (team or individual) will receive $2,000.00 Cdn. Email your answer to on or before the above date.

You are responsible for your own safety and well being.

This easy contest will pump you up a bit for FUTURE EXCITEMENT!!!

Good luck to all!

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