A new contest for vigps users.
This contest has been modeled on GPS Drawing (http://www.gpsdrawing.com/gallery.htm). You walk, bike, drive with gps in hand, creating an interesting looking track file, and your fellow vigps.com users will decide who has made the Best Track on Vancouver Island.
Deadline: Midnight December 1, 2004.
How it works:
The track must be made on Vancouver Island, must be made on land, and must be at least 1 k in length.
Each entrant may submit a maximum of two tracks (entries).
Entries will be emailed to contest@vigps.com as an OZIexplorer format track file.
Screen shots will be placed online. The entrants name will not be published until after the winner has been announced.
Prizes are contributed by contest entrants – drop boxes are available in the Victoria, Nanaimo and Comox areas. You will submit one prize for each drawing entered.
After the contest deadline (December 1, 2004), everyone signed up on the vigps forums will get one vote. Voting will not be available until after all entries have been received.
All entries must be received by December 1, 2004 at midnight.
What do do:
Notes and tips:
When you are about to begin your track, delete all tracks from your gps. Make your pretty drawing, then save your track in your gps, or turn your gps off.
Hurry home (drive carefully!), open OZIexplorer (www.oziexplorer.com) and “Get Track from GPS”. Do not alter your track. Gaze upon the wondrous beauty of your masterpiece, save the track file and email it to contest@vigps.com
After submission, your track file may be edited to remove stray points outside the drawing area – ie, those used to get you to and from your drawing location.
Until we see how many entries and prizes are available, we will assume that the winner takes all, or, in the event of a tie, prizes will be randomly distributed equally among the winners. If a significant number of entries/prizes are available, there may be prizes available to the top three.