Category: Contests & Stories (page 1 of 10)

The B.C./Stateside Contest

WGS 84

(Including pages 453095 & 453096)
(These #’s are for The Team’s reference only)

Start at 10U 478117 E and 5364934 N (Declination 11 ½ deg. E)

From this position (your sighting position):

A) Sight at 205 deg. T to a piling in the water near Todd Island. What is the distance in meters? __________

B) Sight at 174.90 deg. T to a channel marker on a concrete base. What is the distance to it in meters? __________

C) Sight at 194 deg. T to a green glass window on a house high up on a hill (house is 40 meters above sighting position). What is the distance in meters? __________

D) Sight to the top of an antenna on a high building at 244 ½ deg. T (the antenna is 120 meters higher than your sighting position). How far is it to the top of the antenna? __________

E) Sight at 236 deg. T to a sign on the blue teahouse at Willows Beach. How many meters away is the sign? __________ (center of sign)

F) Sight at 161 deg. T to a channel marker. How many meters distant is it? ________

G) Sight at 229.25 deg. True to the furthest left chimney of a large white house with a dirty orange colored roof. (The chimney top is 37 meters higher than your sighting position).

How many meters distant is the chimney top? __________

H) How many meters is it to a large white channel marker (with a railing around its base)? __________The channel marker bearing from your sighting position is 134 deg. T.

Now total up all of these measurements. Call them meters = ___________

Let’s hope you’ve done this right!

Now go to 12S 616060.579 E and 4259770.058 N

From here follow a compass course of 060deg. 12 min. 16.0573 sec. deg. T for the total distance (in meters) determined above. If you got your numbers right (above), you should be standing on top of a GPS tag. The tag is glued to a rock surface; we’ve put an additional small rock on top of the tag to hide it from ‘external’ prying eyes. What is this tag #? __________

From here (the tag), you must locate a plastic bottle hidden in large rocks. Further instructions will be found in this bottle.

(Eventually you’ll be required to supply The Team the tag number on a buried steel bar.)

Oh yes, to get to the buried container (above) go to 12S 595679 E & 4315648 N PLUS add to both Easting and Northing numbers, the GPS tag # that you found. This will give you the correct WGS 84 UTM. (Follow a True compass course of 329 deg. 26 min. 16.2523 sec.)

What is the tag # on the buried steel bar? ________

(The note in the bottle gives you all the details you’ll need.)

We’ll pay the winning team/individual $2,000.00 Cdn for this contest. There will be only one winner.

You are responsible for your own safety and well being. Photos required on for all these locations. Your x-citing story must appear on the site as well.

Hiking boots recommended and a 4X4 vehicle strongly advised. Metal or pin detector


You may use any operatives you want. The winner of this contest is solely responsible for the payout to these operatives, having negotiated a ‘fee’ beforehand.

This contest has a March 15th, 2007, 6:00PM expiry date. We can’t extend beyond this date.

Be advised that The Team could be unavailable from time to time.

Good luck!

The Team

New contest by The Team

Here’s our latest release – “Bonus Contest #1”
(By The Team)
November 24th, 2004

While we are awaiting arrival of a much needed piece of equipment, we give you a ‘bonus’ contest. This contest must be won by a British Columbia individual or team. You may however, use American operatives if you so desire – your choice. You will be responsible for any financial arrangements with your U.S. counterparts. There will only be one winner, be it team or individual.

Here’s the drill!

A) (Reference #453051 and 453052)(all in WGS 84). These reference numbers are page numbers in a buried container at 12S 511072/4229223, hidden by a large rock. Follow the instructions in this two page note.

You will specifically need two numbers:

1) A GPS number ____________

2) The date ____________ (year only required)

The note in the container will explain all of this.

B) (Reference # 453054 and 453055) (WGS 84)

Look for a canister at 12S 623840/4295658. It is hidden (buried in sand with a small rock on top of it) under the left rear wheelwell of an old 1930’s bus! Your required information is in this canister.

You will be required to:

1) Determine a distance ____________

2) Take many photos

Now total the three numbers required (call them meters) ____________

Add this number to 31617 ____________ (call it meters)

Canadians will require this total information to get to an exact intersection of two streets. To avoid “guessing”, your U.S. counterparts must come up with the correct information, which The Team will also require.

Here’s the question for the Canadian teams:

Starting at 10U 488366.292 East and 5404151.945 North, what are the names of the two streets which intersect when you use as a distance measurement (round world), the total numbers required from your American counterparts, when you travel on a compass course of 269deg. 23mins. 19.0171secs. true?

This contest ends January 15th, 2007 at 6:00PM, PST.

The winner (team or individual) will receive $2,000.00 Cdn. Email your answer to on or before the above date.

You are responsible for your own safety and well being.

This easy contest will pump you up a bit for FUTURE EXCITEMENT!!!

Good luck to all!

The Black Rose Of Courage Contest – The X-Treme GPS Team

Here it is….
The Black Rose Of Courage Contest

The X-Treme GPS Team
February 20th, 2006

Somewhere, approximately west of Mount Douglas (and the Greater Victoria area), you’ll find a red dot about 1” in diameter on a rock surface that is slightly off the vertical. This red dot is close to ground level, but easily seen.

From this position, you can see a green roofed house with 4 windows on the front of it. The top window is a semi circle, the window below it is larger, and there are 2 smaller windows either side of the larger window. There’s a red stairway to the right of the house. Above this house, 38 meters higher, is a small white building.

The house is 1320 meters from the red dot, and 49 meters lower. There’s also a small brown shed on a hill 40 meters lower than the red dot, and it is 2015 meters away from the red dot.

We’ll also let you know that 8551 meters away (and 108 meters lower), is a large yellowish and white building (measurement is on top left side of this building). This is the furthest point we’ll give you from the red dot.

Determine the UTM using WAAS in WGS84.

You’re going to have a nice hike now, by going to 10U 463896 E and 5370505 N. There you will find a GPS tag attached to a tree. What is the GPS tag #? __________

Now call the tag number ‘MILS’. Add 305.7320384367100 ‘mils’ to the tag number in ‘MILS’. What are the total ‘mils’? ____________________

(Please don’t ask us what ‘MILS’ are – we’re asking you.)

Now proceed 958.850118 miles at the number of ‘MILS’ you determined. Here you will find a buried steel bar with 2 tag numbers on it. What are the tag #’s? _____/_____

The first team/individual to figure this all out is the winner. There are no other winners. The winning prize is $1,000.00 Cdn.

This contest must be completed by Thursday, March 23rd, 2006 at 9:00pm.

Winning numbers must appear on by that time and under this forum page.

Teams/individuals MAY NOT USE OPERATIVES OR INDIVIDUALS WHO HAVE ALREADY BEEN SELECTED BY ANOTHER TEAM. Teams must not procure the help of operatives until they have located all the required Canadian positions – i.e. you CANNOT ‘book’ an operative in advance.

You are responsible for your own safety. Please post notes on this site pertinent to this contest – no smiley faces and superfluous comments.

Marathon of Pain by The X-Treme GPS Team

Here’s the contest…
By The X-Treme GPS Team

We are giving you 24 Lat/Longs or UTM’s positions to get to.

3 positions are buried steel bars; the others (are) stakes, tags glued to rock or nailed to objects.

All positions will have GPS tags (some will have 2 tag’s).

This contest will end at 9:00pm, Sunday, 5th of March, 2006. The goal of this contest is to get as many tag numbers as possible. The team with the most tags will get $50.00 per tag found (exception: multiple tags at a position count as one tag – i.e. if two tags are found on a steel bar, stakes or trees then report both tag #’s, – these two tags will count as one tag, and be worth $50.00). In the event of a tie, funds will be split.

Please put your answers on under this Forum post; and please put your answers in numerical order.

Please DO NOT use this forum post for nonsense and smiley faces as they’re a waste of everyone’s time.

There will only be one winner – that team or individual with the most tags found.

You are responsible for your own safety and well being.

Here are all the positions – all in WGS 84

1) 365984 5477736 Nailed to tree

2) 387568 5455138 Glued to rock

3) 334418 5567994 Nailed to fir tree

4) 9U 709943 5517800 Nailed to tree

5) 343956 5557164 Glued to rock

6) 408489 5463512 Buried steel bar

7) 409675 5462508 Buried steel bar

8 ) 476488 5386202 Glued to rock

9) 48deg. 31.430 123deg. 25.240 Nailed to tree

10) 48deg. 44.041 123deg. 40.494 Nailed to tree

11) 406299 5459922 Nailed to alder tree

12) 10 U 383232 5461559 Nailed to trestle

13) 10 U 374382 5481273 Buried steel bar

14) 49deg. 10.880 124deg. 16.097 Nailed to tree

15) 49deg. 09.897 124deg. 24.547 Nailed to stump

16) 49deg. 14.462 124deg. 29.560 Nailed to tree

17) 390971 5456508 Nailed to tree

18) 49deg. 15.537 124deg. 31.629 Nailed to stake

19) 402617 5462767 Nailed to cedar tree

20) 411679 5462980 Glued to rock

21) 459743 5394288 Nailed to cedar tree

22) 447910 5390020 Nailed to alder tree

23) 450259 5390937 Nailed to alder tree

24) 415892 5458720 Nailed to arbutus tree

Vanishing Point Contest (By The X-Treme GPS Team)

Here’s the contest!

Somewhere, approximately west of ‘Malahat’ (there’s a restaurant and hotel there), you’ll find a large boulder with a white triangle on it.

This large boulder is 10832 meters from a church, and 7452 meters from a house (there’s a roof turret on it) on top of a hill. Determine the exact UTM of this boulder.

From this boulder, proceed 5808.1809 meters at 19deg 54min. 04.6512sec. Determine this UTM, and call it “K”.

From this boulder also proceed 4805.5304 meters at 27deg. 03min. 39.5717sec. and determine this position. Call it “M”.

Now follow a round world curved line between position “K” and position “M”.

Along this line, glued to rock in a rocky area, is a GPS tag. What is the GPS tag #?

This contest is in WGS 84. There will be ONE WINNER ONLY. The winner will receive $500.00.

You are responsible for your own safety.

This contest should get a few folks in shape.

Please post the winning tag number, and, if possible, a photo of this tag, on

This contest ends at 6:00pm on March 31st, 2006.

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