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Where will you be? Contest #7

The Team continues this series….same rules apply as in previous #1-#6 contests, i.e. photos required of all clue positions, and to be posted on You are responsible for your own safety and well being, as are your operatives.


You are to get to a point on a circle. You’ll most likely need ‘operatives’ for this part of the contest.

We will give you enough information for you to be able to determine three points along this circle. We will not tell you where the center of the circle is, or its diameter or radius. We will tell you that the three points that you’ll determine on this circle are 45 deg. apart when measured from the center of this circle. If you draw a straight line between any two of these three positions (that you’re about to determine), you’ll find this line measures 67.2513 meters.

For you to figure out the positions of the three points on this circle:

a) Start at 12S 587251 E and 4266203 N (in WGS84). Look for a GPS tag above a seven foot door, glued to framework of an abandoned workshed. What is the tag #? ______ From this position, go 530 km, plus the # on the tag in kilometers, plus add on .552350 km. This will get you to one of the positions in the circle. The compass bearing you must follow is 321deg. 03min. 43.9499sec. True.

b) To get to the other position, go to 9U 711176 E and 5531675 N. There you will find a wooden stake. Total the two tag #’s on the stake. What is this #? ______. Subtract 1785 from this number (presume # is kilometers), then add to this number .164906 kilometers. Use a compass course of 115deg. 58min. 11.3757sec. This will get you to the second position on this circle.

c) You’ll need a third position along this circle to ‘stabilize’ the circle, so there can only be one outcome. So, to get the 3rd position, do this:

Go to 11S 683752 E and 4346151 N. Look in a Westerly direction. There you will see a sign on a structure with 7 large red letters (for a reference, you’ll also see 6 green letters under the red letters) There’s an apostrophe between the 6th and 7th red letters. Ignore it. Using the formula, A=1, B=2, C=3, D=4, E=5, etc. produce a number that gives a numerical number of what the 7 red letters ‘say’. ________ This should be a 12 digit number. Divide this number by 91411318. What is this number? ______ Express it in ‘meters’. You will now have a 4 digit number and decimal points after the number. Ignore the decimal points. To get to the third point on this circle from 11S 683752 E and 4346151 N, follow a compass course of 329deg. 23min. 18.7766sec. for a distance of 7823 kilometers, less 6480 kilometers, plus .614895 kilometers added to your answer. This will get you to the 3rd position on the circle.

You now have three positions along this circle. We have given you the straight line distance between any two points around the circle that are 45 deg. apart when measured from the center of the circle. You should be able to figure out the arc from this information.

Now walk around this circle until you find a buried mini-moonbomb. What are the two tag numbers on this mini-moonbomb? _______&______

Note: You must answer all the questions asked. Please take photos of all positions and place on vigps. Also notify of your finds plus all tag numbers.

Ping Pong Contest (completed)

Here are the various items to locate. Please report back to the correct # or #’s. When you do, you will be given further instructions…

Coords for #15 have changed! 20 Nov 2004, 9:57am


1) Buried moonbomb 10U 409397/5463044

2) Buried steel bar 10U 409554/5462698

3) Buried black wooden stake 10U 374228/5480728

4) Buried yellow stake 10U 408898/5462678

5) Buried yellow stake 10U 408695/5463770

6) Moonbomb (buried) 10U 408786/5464257

7) Moonbomb (buried) 10U 407997/5464576

8) Moonbomb (buried) 10U 397506/5468574

9) Buried steel bar 10U 370329/5483653

10) Moonbomb (buried) 10U 414036/5456757

11) Buried steel bar 10U 409965/5461962

12) Moonbomb (buried) 10U 412351/5460852

13) Moonbomb (buried) 10U 411251/5461901

14) Buried steel bar 10U 454367/5402499

15) Buried steel bar 10U 454370/5386021 – coords changed!

16) Steel bar hidden four feet up in an old dead tree. 10U 479755/5367469

17) Steel bar hidden inside a large stump. 10U 451019/5390540

18) Buried steel bar 10U 377134/5475442

19) Buried steel bar 10U 408483/5463900

20) Buried steel bar 10U 409066/5463894


Where will you be? Contest #6

Same rules/conditions as #’s 1-5….photos required at all clue positions, and posted on You and all operatives are responsible for your own safety and well being….

In all these contests we expect you to have measurement accuracies of +/- 1%.


1) Position yourself at 10U 475938 East 5362273 North in WGS 84 (compass declination 19deg. E).

a) How far is it to the western most ‘pillar’ that is obvious in the Chinese Cemetery? ______

b) Sight at 251deg. In the distance you’ll see a house with 4 roof skylights. How far is it to the right hand skylight? ______

c) How far is it to the top of the Mungo Martin totem pole? ______

d) Sight at 277deg. to a small church steeple. How far away is this steeple? ______

e) Sight at 279deg. In the distance, look for a highrise building with 3 grey bands running down the side of it. On the roof is the mechanism for the elevator shaft (that’s enclosed of course). How far is it to this enclosure? ______

2) Stand beside Mungo Martin’s totem pole, (Victoria, B.C.) proceed 74.607304 miles at 326deg. 56min. 49.3318sec. Determine this position. From here, sight at 61deg. How far is it to the highest building with a black roof far in the distance? ______

3) Go to 49deg. 19.720min. 124deg. 49.226min. From here, sight at 224deg. How far is it:

a) To the nearest corner of a red barn with a silver roof (there’s a small tree in front of the barn) ______

b) If you ran a horizontal line from where you sight from, to an aerial position over the nearest corner of the barn, what would be the horizontal distance? ______

4) There’s an old 1916 benchmark located out in the desert near the Southeast end of Lost World Butte (some 2km. Northwest of Tombstone Rock). Folks in Moab, Utah can clue you in as to where this is. Determine the UTM of this benchmark. From the position you determine, proceed 959.964865 miles at 319deg. 59min. 27.3995sec. What old piece of a wreck is found here? ______

5) Using Garmin software, go to the intersection of California Avenue and 10th Street, in Libby, Montana (USA). From here go 415.991280 miles at 282deg. 45min. 23.2446sec. You’ll be beside a sign. What does it say? ______

One winner (individual or team) takes all; $500.00 Cdn. You and your operatives are responsible for your own safety and well being.

Where will you be? Contest #5

Same rules, etc. apply as in contests #1-#4. Photos required at all clue locations. You/operatives responsible for your own safety and well being.

NOTICE: Re the “WHERE WILL YOU BE?” contests! In early December (2004), The Team will begin it’s Canadian Series of adventures! (This will surely prove to be a religious experience…?!) Find your ‘operatives’ in Alberta, Saskatchewan, and South Western Manitoba, while there’s still time!

The Team, freshly inspired by the exciting news of a forthcoming ‘Team Phoenix CD’ (reportedly to be that team’s favorite Rap/Hip Hop tunes?) have decided to release Contest #5 in the ongoing “WHERE WILL YOU BE” series….

Here it is!

1) Go to 10U 370251 E / 5473967 N Sight at 340 deg. to a white building at the base of a microwave tower. How far is it to this building? ______ (The building is 663 meters lower than where you sight from; this translates into a 7deg. downward slope angle).

2) Here’s a tough one….On a road to Heppner, Oregon, determine the exact UTM of a woman with an initial “E”. Her husband’s initials are “F.A.” Take your UTM reading immediately above her headstone. Now go to a cemetery near Gerlach, Nevada. Visit this cemetery and seek out the name with initials “S.A.” (RD 3 is associated with this name). Determine the UTM of this headstone. How many meters is it between these two headstones? _____

3) There’s a sign in Nevada, the top line of this sign reads “Garrison-Black” – the second line has the words “Rock Road 13” on it. We’ve placed a blank orange tag on the back of this sign as a reference. Determine the UTM of this sign.

In Moab, Utah, there’s a famous Jeep trail called “Steelbender”. Go to it’s Northern end. There you will find a steel sign, (with another yellow sign below it). Determine the UTM of this sign.

What is the distance in meters between these two positions? ________

4) There’s a buried bottle with a note in it at 12S 629548 East and 4248350 North. On the note is written a number. What is that number? ______

5) We’ve buried a steel bar at 12S 552299 East and 4216807 North.

a) What is the number on this bar? ______

b) Go to 10U 339407 East/5550336 North. There’s a GPS tag there; what is the number? ______

c) From this position, sight at 368 degrees. How far is it to the chimney of a house with a green roof? ______

Now, total all these numbers, and call them meters. DIVIDE this number by 4.63. ADD this number to(Zone 12S) 288338, and you’ll get a correct Easting. ADD this number to (Zone 12S) 4046700, and you’ll get a correct Northing.

You’ll now be at a very old sign. Put a photo of the sign on, and notify The Team what this old sign says.

Again, $500.00 for the first individual/team to win.

Contest ends May 31st, 2005 at 6:00 PM, PDT

You are responsible for your own safety & well being.

Where will you be? Contest #1

This is #1 in a new series of contests which The Team will be releasing – we thought we’d better get MORE action going as many geocachers are falling asleep from boredom, and too few new caches are being listed on…..Photos are required at all clue locations and posted on You/operatives are responsible for your own safety and well being.

So here we go! This series of mini contests will feature ONE WINNER ONLY. The winner will be the first person/team to come up with the correct answer. $500.00 Cdn. will be paid to the winner of each contest. Operatives can be used if needed.

This series of contests will take place in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia and in several Western U.S. States.

You won’t need super accuracies to get to the final position, as it won’t be buried, or difficult to find.

Photos of the winning position should be put on – if you so desire, photos of other positions are allowed.

Ready? Set, Go! Here’s “Where Will You Be? Contest #1”:

1) Go to 10U 409822 East/ 5462162 North. Sight at 321.75deg. (use WGS84, & 19deg. E declination). There you will find a large stump with pieces of wood sticking out of it. It has green paint near the top of it. How far is it to this stump in meters? _______

2) Go to 10U 418236 East/5458774 North. Sight at 186deg. to an aluminum roof vent on a pointed hexagon roof. How far away is it? ______

3) Go to 10U 413505 East/ 5457226 North. Sight at 48deg., to the top of a chimney on a gray house that’s 174 meters higher than where you sight from and up 4deg. How far is it to this chimney? _____

4) Go to 10U 369057 East/5484753 North. Sight at 294Deg., to the bow of a steel boat. How far away is it? ______

5) Go to 10U 371835 East/5480842 North. Sight at 14deg., to a pink coloured house at sea level. How far away is it? ______

Total all your distances, and call them meters. What is this number? ______ Multiply this number by 3.27. What is this number? ______ Call this number meters.

From 12S 449406.111 East/4234694.962 North, follow a TRUE compass course of 36deg. 40 min. 36.3976sec. for the total distance you have determined in meters. You will be very near a man made object that will be obvious. What is the object? ______ Post a photo of this object on

Have fun!

Completion date for Where Will You Be? Contest #1 is 31st May, 2005, at 6:00 PM, Pacific Daylight Time.

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