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Ping Pong Eligibility Chart

The deadline for completion of the Ping Pong contests is May 31, 2005 at 6:00 pm, Pacific Daylight Time. The following table displays which teams are eligible to complete these contests.

Contest Eligible Team Completed
#1 Team Phoenix Yes
#2 Cancelled Cancelled
#3 Team Phoenix Yes
#4 GeoScavenger Yes
#5 ZoomZoom
#6 GeoScavenger Yes
#7 Team Phoenix
#8 GeoScavenger Yes
#9 Team Phoenix Yes
#10 GeoScavenger Yes
#11 GeoScavenger Yes
#12 GeoScavenger Yes
#13 GeoScavenger Yes
#14 Geodesy V Yes
#15 Geodesy V Yes
#16 Geodesy V Yes
#17 GeoScavenger Yes
#18 Geodesy V Yes
#19 ZoomZoom Yes
#20 GeoScavenger Yes

1st Annual Vancouver Island Hide-&-Go Cache

What?:  Hiding Caches….lots of caches

When?: Saturday February 26th, 2005

Where?: Vancouver Island

Who?: Everybody! …but this  will be especially fun for those who have not yet hidden a cache.

Huh?: Keep reading….

Spring has sprung,
The grass has  riz,
I wonder where,
The new caches is??

It’s been pretty quiet lately so it’s time to dust off your gear, get into  hiding mode and make the 1st Annual Vancouver Island Hide-And-Go Cache Event a  huge success. Here’s the drill…


We’d like as many of you as possible to go and hide a cache, or two, or three  (you get the idea) on Saturday February 26th.

If you absolutely can’t get out that day then you can hide your cache(s)  ahead of time but when you post your cache please add a note to the Approver,  stating that your cache is part of the Vancouver Island Hide-And-Go Cache Event  and is to be approved with the other event caches on Saturday February 26th.

As you submit your caches, please post a note in the forums to  indicate the name of the cache and the site on which it appears.

Go Cache

As the caches start to appear, go out and find them.

Watch for a thread on where you can vote for things like:
<li>Best First Hide (Cacher has never hidden a cache before)</li>
<li>Overall Favourite Hide</li>
<li>Most FTF on caches hidden for this event</li>
<li>and more!</li>
Only those who have hidden a cache for this event are eligible for prizes.,, and caches  all apply, but if you list the same cache on multiple sites, it will be counted  as one cache.


So you have two weeks to go hide caches, and two more to find them and vote  for your favourites before the event on Saturday March 12th.

We’d like to have some fun prizes – if you have anything you’d like to  donate, please let us know.


There aren’t any complicated rules – On February 26th, go hide some caches  (in accordance with the rules of or other cache listing site)  then go and find some caches. On March 12 we all get together to discuss and  award prizes.


Notes about getting caches approved quickly:

Make sure it is meets with the (or other listing site) <a href=””>guidelines</a>.

If your cache is a multi or puzzle cache, include a note to the reviewer  telling them where the intermediate points and final cache are located.

When submitting a cache for this event, include a note to the reviewer, asking  them to release your cache as part of the VI Hide and Go Cache event on Saturday  February 26th.


Visit the <a href=””>forums</a> – we’d be happy to answer your questions.

Where Will You Be #1-9 Results

Results for Where Will You Be contests #1 thru 9.

Contest Completed by
#1 GeoScavenger
#2 GeoScavenger
#3 Geodesy V
#4 Geodesy V & GeoScavenger
#5 Geodesy V
#6 Geodesy V
#7 GeoScavenger
#8 Geodesy V
#9 GeoScavenger

Congratulations everyone!

Where will you be? Contest #8 – (Completed)

Same rules as contests #1-#7….photos required of all clue positions and posted on You and any operatives are responsible for your own safety and well being.WHERE WILL YOU BE? CONTEST #8

1(a) Determine the UTM of the war memorial on the top of Mount Prevost on Vancouver Island. ______

1(b) Next, go to Austin R. Ordano’s grave at St. Peters church in Duncan, B.C. What is the UTM? ______

From 1a, proceed on a round world compass bearing of 145deg. 30min. 51.6787sec. True. From 1b, proceed on a round world compass bearing of 145deg. 50min. 05.8944sec. True. Where these two lines meet, you’ll find a GPS tag glued to rock. What is the tag #? ______

2. You now have a tag number, and have determined a position where the tag is in Ques. #1.

2(a) What is the UTM? ______ Now go to Fields, Oregon (you can overnight here, and have a meal). Determine the UTM of the 2 gas pumps here (they’re within a few feet of each other).

2(b) What is the UTM? ______ You now have 2 positions a) and b) for question #2.

From 2(a), follow a round world course of 328deg. 56min. 15.6969sec.

From 2(b) follow a round world course of 333deg. 31min. 39.1074sec. Where these two courses join, you’ll be at a grave. The deceased was born in 1880. What is the deceased’s name? ______ What is the UTM of the grave? ______

3. You now have the UTM of the grave in #2 above. Now go to 12S 531231 East and 4211113 North. Here you will find a large abandoned machine. Go inside the machine. Look for a serial number on it that ends with a ‘3’. What is the serial number? ______

Now you have 2 UTM’s (the UTM of the grave in #2, and the ‘machine’ as stated above). Follow a True compass bearing from the grave in ‘2’ above of 133deg. 41min. 31.6388sec., and follow a compass bearing of 327deg. 59min. 13.2633sec. from the ‘machine’. You should now be in a rather remote area. Look for a GPS tag glued to rock. What is the tag #? ______

Where will you be? Contest #9 (Completed)

Same rules as contests #1-#8; $500.00 Cdn. prize money to the first winner, be it individual or team. Photos to be posted on vigps of all positions…


Start at the Buckhorn Cabin, at approximately 11S 443442 East and 4032235 North in the California Desert. (All WGS 84, and all 19deg. E declination). Photos are required on vigps for all positions in this contest.

From the UTM given, go 312.452554 miles at 358deg. 54min. 49.6871sec. You should be standing by a large cross. In this general area, look for the name “Clinton John Valentine”. When did Clinton die? _______. From the UTM you determined to get you to the approximate area of the large cross, proceed (with dignity, of course!) 940.909587 kilometers at 338deg. 15min. 36.4007sec. This will put you at a structure. Look under the bathroom sink. There you will find a GPS tag. What is the tag #? ______(we’ll give you a clue here – “check out 320”).

From the UTM you determined for this structure, proceed 73.854558 nautical miles at 297deg. 18min. 21.8437sec. This will place you in an area where you must locate a buried moonbomb. What are the tag #’s attached to this moonbomb? ______/_____

From here, what is the UTM of the top of a flagpole that is close to the above position? What is the UTM of the flagpole? _____/_____

Now, we’ve made this more difficult than you think, as we’ve run a slope distance to the top of the pole, so the UTM will not be the same as if the top of the pole was at the elevation of the starting point, which, by the way, was 1 meter above ground level. So you’ll actually have a false UTM for the top of the pole…that’s the UTM to go with.

From the top of the flagpole and the false UTM, look in the distance and find a white sign on a white/orange pole with a concrete base.

How many meters higher is the flagpole when compared to the white sign? ______

From the top of the flagpole to the top of the white sign is what distance? _______

You will get a slightly skewed reading here as we ran a slope for the actual distance between flagpole and sign. What is the UTM of the sign? _____/_____

Presuming your numbers are close, now follow a compass course of 323deg. 18min. True. Look for the highest point of two very small islands. They’re only a few meters across, and would barely be visible at high tide.

How far is it from the sign to the highest point on the small islands, in meters? _______

What is the UTM of the highest point of the small islands? ______/______

From the highest point on the small islands, where you determined the UTM, proceed 7615 meters at 275deg. 00min. 01.9253sec. There you’ll find a buried moonbomb.

What are the two GPS tag #’s on the steel bar attached to the moonbomb? ______/______

From this buried moonbomb, proceed 969.0032 meters at 298deg. 41min. 26.037sec. There you will find the WORLD’S FIRST “MINI MOONBOMB STAKE“!!

What are the two tag #’s on this stake? ____/____ Make sure to bring a hammer to drive this stake back into the ground, so the top of it is four inches below grade.

You and any operatives are responsible for your own safety and well being.

Good Luck from The Team!

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