GPS Photo Contest No. 1 – Completed Contest

Fifty photos have just been posted in the vigps photo gallery, in an album called GPS Photo Contest No. 1

The GPS Photo Contest No. 1 is open to all individuals or teams who have not received winnings from The Team during the past 6 months. This rule will hopefully encourage new contestants, as it is the perfect opportunity for other cachers to get in on the action!

Read more for all the rules!

The object of the game is to determine the UTM of each photo. Twenty dollars will be paid for each correct UTM, BUT ONLY to the team/individual that gets the most correct answers. In the event of a tie, the money will be split between the winning contestants. For example, if “A” submits 20 correct answers, “B” submits 17 correct answers, and “C” submits 13 correct answers, then “A” wins and “A” would receive $20 X 20 = $400.00 (Cdn.). The winning team or individual must supply a mailing address so we can mail you the funds.

Photos may be on public or private property, but all are visible from public property. If the object is very accessible, we will expect a more exact UTM than one that is on private property or impossible to get to. The object being, proof that you really were at the correct location. NO TRESSPASSING!

Prior to the contest deadline of June 15th, 2005 at 6pm, contestants must send email to stating the UTM of your finds beside the designated number of each photo. State your answers in UTM in WGS 84 Datum. Please send only one email containing all your answers.

All photos were taken within approximately 1.6 kilometers of the ocean from UTM (WGS 84) 10 U E 477690 / N 5370213 and 10 U E 471889 / N 5362237

This contest will end June 15, 2005 at 6pm.

All email regarding this contest must be sent to

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