Here it is….
The Black Rose Of Courage Contest
The X-Treme GPS Team
February 20th, 2006
Somewhere, approximately west of Mount Douglas (and the Greater Victoria area), you’ll find a red dot about 1” in diameter on a rock surface that is slightly off the vertical. This red dot is close to ground level, but easily seen.
From this position, you can see a green roofed house with 4 windows on the front of it. The top window is a semi circle, the window below it is larger, and there are 2 smaller windows either side of the larger window. There’s a red stairway to the right of the house. Above this house, 38 meters higher, is a small white building.
The house is 1320 meters from the red dot, and 49 meters lower. There’s also a small brown shed on a hill 40 meters lower than the red dot, and it is 2015 meters away from the red dot.
We’ll also let you know that 8551 meters away (and 108 meters lower), is a large yellowish and white building (measurement is on top left side of this building). This is the furthest point we’ll give you from the red dot.
Determine the UTM using WAAS in WGS84.
You’re going to have a nice hike now, by going to 10U 463896 E and 5370505 N. There you will find a GPS tag attached to a tree. What is the GPS tag #? __________
Now call the tag number ‘MILS’. Add 305.7320384367100 ‘mils’ to the tag number in ‘MILS’. What are the total ‘mils’? ____________________
(Please don’t ask us what ‘MILS’ are – we’re asking you.)
Now proceed 958.850118 miles at the number of ‘MILS’ you determined. Here you will find a buried steel bar with 2 tag numbers on it. What are the tag #’s? _____/_____
The first team/individual to figure this all out is the winner. There are no other winners. The winning prize is $1,000.00 Cdn.
This contest must be completed by Thursday, March 23rd, 2006 at 9:00pm.
Winning numbers must appear on by that time and under this forum page.
Teams/individuals MAY NOT USE OPERATIVES OR INDIVIDUALS WHO HAVE ALREADY BEEN SELECTED BY ANOTHER TEAM. Teams must not procure the help of operatives until they have located all the required Canadian positions – i.e. you CANNOT ‘book’ an operative in advance.
You are responsible for your own safety. Please post notes on this site pertinent to this contest – no smiley faces and superfluous comments.