Contratulations to “The Lizard Toads” (Potter&Suzer, DHobby1, Cachunuts and Desert Hermit) who completed this contest on 31 July 2004, with 92 days to spare!
(Exclusive to sponsored by The X-Treme GPS Team)
The Team has set up the most difficult contest yet. It will take weeks to complete. Conditions may be extremely hot, and you could encounter rattlesnakes, scorpions, black widow spiders, and possibly bears. You will be visiting some fantastic locations, and have the adventure of a lifetime!
This contest is in extremely rough terrain. This is a contest for players who are in excellent physical condition. It is vital to have a satellite phone, or have ‘backup’ by other responsible individuals. You will not need rock climbing gear.
You will be responsible for your own safety. Remember; this is not a contest for children, or the unfit.
There are approximately 20 major tasks to perform/complete. Most positions are buried canisters containing steel bars, or just hidden canisters. One canister gives you information to get to the next one, so you will have to determine distances and bearings. We strongly advise carrying a pin detector to locate the buried positions – we used extreme accuracy, so our numbers are very close.
Many positions do not have cellular phone coverage. To make matters worse, there will be great periods of time when “the team” will be unavailable, so you won’t be able to get instant answers to questions.
You will be required to post x-citing updates and digital photos of each position on, so geocachers can follow your progress.
The first player, or team to get to the final destination (a sign) will win $5,000.00 (Canadian) cash. We will require a photo of this sign. There will be only one individual/team winner – i.e. winner takes all. No other prizes.
Anyone, or any team can attempt this. If you are a U.S. citizen, that’s fine.
You can use operatives, or anyone you want to complete the various tasks.
Virtually all of this contest is in UTAH, USA, where summer temperatures will soar above 100 deg. F. Plan for backup when hiking.
If you think you can do this in a family vehicle, forget it; you won’t have a chance. At a minimum, you’ll need a sturdy 4wd with lots of clearance, and preferably with ‘lockers’.
This contest will terminate, and must be completed on, or before October 31st, 2004 at 5:00 PM, PST.
We will not give hints – it’s a race to the finish! Please post your intentions to take part in this contest on 48 hrs. before your departure.
This entire contest is in the WGS 84 datum. All bearings are ‘True’.
Start at 12S 605362/4257645
There you will find a GPS tag glued to rock.
What is the tag number at this location? ___________
Call this position A
From this position, follow a True compass course of 334deg. 18mins. 34.5360secs. Somewhere between 18.876493 and 20.365559 miles along this bearing, you will come to a four foot high wooden post. There’s a GPS tag on this post.
What is the tag #? ___________
Call this position B
Now subtract B from A
What is this number? ____________(*)
Your first item to recover is 3 Ziploc bags (two inside one). These are buried and contain a steel bar for locating purposes. To find this location, go to 601832 East and 4285234 North. Unfortunately this Northing number is incorrect. To get the correct Northing number, you’ll have to add the number you determine from subtracting B from A (above (*) to the false Northing we’ve given you (i.e. 4285234)…
This will then correct the Northing of the location of the 3 buried Ziploc bags. Ignore the information in the Ziploc bags (not relevant), but take a photo of the bags, and post this photo on as proof you have visited this location – then rebury the bags as found.
From where you find the buried Ziploc bags, proceed 9.291155 miles at 48deg. 27min. 09.8287 sec. True.
You are to locate a buried canister with NO steel bar, buried beside a 4×4 wooden post. There you will receive further instructions – now you’re on your way to even more excitement!
Make sure to rebury/rehide all canisters/steel bars exactly as found.
Carry paper/pen to copy the information found in the canisters.
Please contact the team at to let us know your departure plans. We will require 48 hrs. notice of your intention to participate in this contest.
The area in which we set up this contest features breathtaking views, incredible and varied terrain, which is world famous!
Good luck.